Letz Sushi thinks certification first, price second
How can you make demands in the global marketplace when your purchasing power is modest?
This is a common challenge for SMEs. Read about how Letz Sushi uses certifications to make more demands and positively affect human rights.
When Letz Sushi buys fish for the company’s restaurants, a minimum requirement is that they must be certified. Depending on the fish, certifications may be ASC, MSC or Gentle Coastal Fisheries (FSK). Price and quality only come into play once certifications are in place. Not a moment sooner. Certification means that suppliers, purchasers, the company, and its guests always know what to expect.
A certification is no guarantee against human rights violations, but it is an indication that the supplier is interested in improving and in operating responsibly. Letz Sushi is currently in discussions with MSC about making human rights requirements part of the certification.
A good dialogue with suppliers about certification requirements can precede further conversation about the importance of respecting human rights and how to jointly minimise the risk of negative impacts in your common value chain.
Benefits for people
- Respect for human beings: Letz Sushi’s goal of saving the ocean is inextricably linked to respect for human rights
- Better pay: Special certifications help producers get better pay
- Local conditions: Special certifications may promote cleaner oceans and, in turn, improve local conditions
Letz Sushi on the business benefits from protecting human rights

“When promoting certifications in procurement, you make a difference. As an example, the ASC certification helps promote sustainable development of the local community where production takes place by setting standards for responsible production methods, deforestation-free feed, safeguarding of workers’ rights and much more, benefiting both the environment and people.“
Anders Barsøe, Director, Letz Sushi